Work Samples

Illuminate UX Case Study
An overview of the product and UX development process for Illuminate Finance

Brand Assets and Social Media
Materials for business development and marketing teams that enforce branding and messaging for product offerings

L2 switching on Swivel Finance
To expand to other chains, our existing app required an intuitive menu design for switching between networks to interact with more markets.

Transaction UI on Illuminate
Complex derivative contract interactions are abstracted enough to present a simple interface for retail users to lend without fuss.

Multi-Market selector on Swivel Finance
Our initial market selector design was poorly equipped to facilitate an expanding selection of markets, and needed design revisions.

Orderbook Swivel Finance
Swivel's novel on/off chain orderbook allows users to place any number limit orders, leading to a design challenge to balance complexity and simplicity.

Illuminate Landing Page
A ground-up landing page for Illuminate protocol.

Concept outlines and scene setting for animation projects involving contracted video creators.

Momentum Web Components
Framework agnostic collection of Web-Component based UI elements used by Cisco Systems Inc. to build enterprise platform GUIs.